воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

failed to open stream php error

Been like a week since I updated .. Hmmmm ..

Monday-No school, stayed home, then went to Haight with Dad and shopped. Bought purple skinnies (= Haha, then richmond and then ct for food and yeah.

Tuesday-Early day Went DT with William so he could return his shirt and get a new one. Then went to F21 and bought a t and cardi. Then Borders w/Meg. Volleyball practice after then home

Wednesday- PSATapos;s all morning Hella long. Same room w/Fanny, Andrew and Jeffrey though. Ummmmmmm then only went to 5th for liike 15mins then had to get ready for the game. We won against Oapos;Connell.

Thursday-Nothing exciting. Ahaha.

Yesterday-SongYell Classes were shorter. Then off to the football field/bleachers First they announced Homecoming Court, I lost >.< but itapos;s all goooood. Congrats Cindy and Andrew Ummm then the singing started. Then the skits AHH, juniorapos;s was so cute. They did the song "Bouncing off the ceilingapos; from A*Teens. <3333that song. UGH you had to be there. MMmm seniors won -.- Not a surprise. Mmmmmmmmm then longer lunch, chilled with the usuals. Then left early from 5th again. Bussed to Lowell, took like an hour -.- Played okay? IDK still lost. Got to see ChrisL, Joel, Mandy, Chelan, Jamie, Hanna, Miranda, Kris, Jacky, and some other people. Thenn got a ride to Nicoleapos;s. Got hair trimmed and straightened.

Home to change, then off to Holiday Inn Everyone looked cuuuuuute all dressed up Went inside the hotel, and to the ballroom area I think. Just walked around, sat, etc for an hour or more. Dancing didnapos;t really start apos;til like 9ish. Got my freak on, hahaha along with the other freaks. Then toook a break, and decided to take professional pictures. Took a group one with me, William, Mango, and William. Hella pink and sweaty though -.-�Oh well weapos;ll see what they look like in a couple weeks. Ummmm then more dancing. Last songs were slow jams, danced and yeah. ^_____^ At the last minute,�before�the last song ended, some 09apos;ers started their apos;oh nineapos; chant. Haha then after they stopped, he asked me out (= Haha then it was 11. Got picked up and then home <33333
failed to open stream php error, failed to open stream php, failed to open stream permission denied, failed to open stream oscommerce, failed to open stream in php.

desert pine las vegas

Well, I went to a party last night.� My experience wasnapos;t too shabby, although it wasnapos;t a total knockout as far as parties go. It was two girlsapos; birthdays. They were really more concerned about what people were getting them for gifts than anything, as one treats everyday like a party and the other one was mostly making out with her boyfriend.

Speaking of which, there were some odd makeout situations taking place at this party. I was on photo duty, so Iapos;m pretty sure this is what I�saw. There were probably about four couples making out on the dance floor, and after a while, the girls would change on the guys. It was really� too strange. I donapos;t know, maybe it was just me and my seeing things. I did for sure see and meet a cute boy though.

Heapos;s kind of a weird cute, with his puff of curly chocolate brown hair, big brown eyes and freckles. Iapos;ve had a few friends thatapos;ve liked him in the past and never known why, seeing as the kid never ever talks. Now that Iapos;ve talked to him, I am anticipating falling in total and complete love with him. Iapos;m not totally sure though, his last girlfriend was kind of the class bitch, and I donapos;t play that part too well in public. I am not willing to change, Iapos;ll totally hope though�ARG heapos;s such a button.

I have to go clean my room... YEY

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

every day book

So Iapos;m in the UK for the year, and I have a few very important questions.

1. Do they have candy corn here? I havenapos;t seen it in any of the stores Iapos;ve browsed at yet.

2. Is pumpkin pie not a big thing here? I really want to make these super delicious pumpkin cookies, but Iapos;m having trouble finding the canned pumpkin puree that is often used in making pumpkin pies which I need for my cookies.

3. Is candy corn delicious or gross?
every day book.

car lene research

ldquo;Because Lilith wants him dead now instead of later. The consequences of your deal are now no longer in her favor.rdquo;

Deanapos;s head snapped up at the mention of Lilith. He should have known... He fucking should have known that bitch would be behind this This motherfucker was probably a demon or something.

Dean ground his teeth, the ache in his jaw distracting him only slightly from the pain lancing through his body, but the combined dull throb and sharp pains was slowly turning into background noise. His body thrummed with adrenalin, anger and fear and frustration combining into one to make him physically numb and only responsive to his own emotions. That... Or Dean was losing too much blood and his limbs were numbing.

Most likely it was the latter.

The bastard moved to tap some code on the keyboard and then the speaker came alive with a small crackle.


Dean sucked in a breath at Samapos;s voice. Heapos;d never heard Sam so angry, so desperate and so... So...

Dean didnapos;t have words for it. But Sam sounding like that made something in Deanapos;s gut twist.�

ldquo;You didnrsquo;t get enough time with him."

Dean looked away from the bastard, not allowing him to see his emotions displayed so nakedly in his eyes right that moment. He didnapos;t have enough in him to try to mask that.

"Heapos;ll be fine. Heapos;s the strongest man I know." Dean said, conviction clear in his voice because he truly believed it. Sam was the strongest man he knew. It had always been Dean needing Sam, never the other way round. Sam would move on, find a girlfriend who heapos;ll marry. Get a nine to five job and a house with a white picket fence. Maybe even a dog and a few kids.

"Why did Lilith want you to die?"

Dean growled, annoyed with being broken out of his reverie of a laughing older Sam, pushing his daughter on a swing as his epic floppy hair blew in the wind. Dean wouldnapos;t be there to push Samapos;s daughter on a swing. But heapos;d give his soul all over again to let Sam have what he had so desperately wanted.

He opened his mouth to say apos;I donapos;t knowapos; because he didnapos;t. He hadnapos;t ever considered the question really. Why would Lilith want him dead? Well, Lilith wouldnapos;t have a stamp on his soul if he hadnapos;t made that deal, thatapos;s for sure. So in that respect, Lilith didnapos;t have anything to do with Deanapos;s predicament except for being the one holding the contract. But now Lilith wants Sam dead earlier. Maybe even before Dean himself dies.

He knew why other demons would want his soul. Definitely because Dean had sent his fair share of those assholes back to hell. Revenge is a good motive. But why�Lilith? Her beef was with Sam, so where did Dean stand?

Dean was Samapos;s brother so his position was clear. Heapos;d always stand between�Sam and whatever stood to hurt Sam. So was Dean just an obstacle that Lilith needed removed?

Fuck... Dean was going to be killed so that they could get to Sam

"She wants Sam... I stand in the middle." Dean whispered, it dawning on him right then. "Fuck... Sheapos;s trying to separate us." Dean said, thinking out loud more than saying it to the bastard. "But... Why would..." Deanapos;s eyes widened. "Because together weapos;re stronger... Separated we lose focus..."

"If I die, Samapos;s going to go nuts... He wonapos;t think and... Fuck Lilithapos;s counting on that isnapos;t she? That bitch" Deanapos;s breathing got ragged, the weight of his deal weighing him down until he sagged under the guilt. Anger coursed through his veins, making him light headed.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

framingham hotel sheraton

Well itapos;s the weekend again. I hate the fact Iapos;ve gotten a normal hour job and I live for the weekends now. I guess it happens after a while in life.

James got errr order Rock Band 2 for my Xbox. Heapos;s getting that combo kit where it has all the stuff and the game on Sunday. It will be interesting. I downloaded My Sharona and Pretty Fly for it already. It will be fun. I canapos;t sing at all. So Iapos;m hoping to play the guitar and drum a good bit. I ordered Fable 2 limited edition so that will be at the house on Tuesday. Hopefully on Wednesday I can play some. Iapos;ve been playing Disgaea DS and Dragon Quest IV allot too. DQIV has always been a great game. I love playing it again.
I got a massive amount of laundry done. I now have clean clothes YAY With the Ren Fair this weekend I wonapos;t have much time to finish cleaning. I still need to dust my room and clean up the clutter. Iapos;m a guy. I donapos;t like cleaning. I need to rake up the leaves in the yard. Iapos;m probably going to wait till most of them have dropped to get them. It looks nice and autumny with them on the lawn and in November I will get them. I like leaves on the lawn.
I ordered Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG but the company lost my order in the warehouse. I emailed them and they are going to ship it out again. I liked the card game allot. Allie and I enjoyed it. Iapos;d like to get it and play it some more. Itapos;s up to 4 people.
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cleanrooms stainless steel table work

Being semi-sick sucks. Iapos;ve got the fever, donapos;t feel good aches, upset stomach, to sleepy to move and my heads throbing annoyances but no life altering pain. Iapos;ve been a bum and its driving me crazy. I need nicotine and fresh air.
second note, I just want everyone to know iapos;m a complete looser. Yes. Iapos;m admitting to it.

I get paid tomorrow; Iapos;m assuming this check will be a decent size. (Since I worked more hours than my last check...) but Iapos;ve sat for the last two hours figuing out how much my bills are and the best way for me to save the most amount of money. Iapos;m lame because I donapos;t even know how much my check will be- and life happens and iapos;ll probably end up spending money marked for savings anyway. Nonetheless Iapos;ve dilligently sat here crunching numbers.

Iapos;ve Come to the conclusion: I have no life.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

doubletree hotel oakbrook il

Well, after a nightapos;s sleep, I wonapos;t say apos;goodapos;, Iapos;ve decided on what Iapos;m going to do.

Dun, dun, dun... *thatapos;s for asami_icekiss*...

Anyhoo, Iapos;m just going to run with my idea. Itapos;s unlikely to fit with the new story, but like everyone said, my storylineapos;s already AU.

But... I need to write 20,000 + words for a book, and fit it in my schedule. Per my husband, apos;somethingapos;s gotta giveapos;, hee hee. He expects attention, hahaha, *shakes head*, heapos;s worse than my 3 year old whoapos;s always apos;mommy, mommy, mommy...apos;

So, I am going to post one story every Monday with an occasional extra during the week, until I finish with my book. I canapos;t give a timeframe because Iapos;m unsure how long it will take to review and tweak a book, hmmm.... But then, Iapos;ll be back to posting every one or two days :))

Thanks to everyone for their comments
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